受潮对工业行业困扰 服饰鞋帽,箱包皮革很容易受潮发霉。 We have noticed the cloth and bags easily get damp and moldy. 精密仪器,电路板,断路器等因受潮生锈会发生短路的情况。 Products such as precise instrument, circuit board and breaker may be
rendered inoperable. 受潮的机械产品不但发生外观生锈,还会影响机械性能和使用寿命。 Moisture will not only rust and effect appearance of mechanical products,
but may also short circuit electronics and shorten their shelf life 许多化工产品的原料、半成品、成品极易与空气中的潮气产生物理或化学变化,导致其结块、潮解、霉变,使产品无法正常使用。 Many raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products of the
chemical products variety are affected physically or chemically when coming in
contact with the moisture in the air, thus, causing consequence such as
agglomeration, deliquescence and mildew to make the product unusable. 受潮也会导致液压油,变压器油变质从而损坏产品甚至整个系统。 Moisture damage will also lead to the deterioration of the hydraulic oil
and the transformer oil, which may cause damage to the product or possibly the
entire system. 各类工业品受潮很大程度上都与其自身含水率,产品所处于一个相对密封或绝对密封的环境中以及温差变化等三个因素息息相关,这种自然条件的存在使工业品受潮变成了一个棘手的难题。 There are three factors that affect moisture damage of industrial product,
which are the water ratio itself, a relative or absolute sealed environment as
well as the temperature changes. The existence of those natural conditions makes
moisture damage of industrial product become a serious issue. 金洋化工的解决方案 一、物理吸附 金洋化工针对不同的工业防潮需求先后研发制造出基于物理吸附原理的硅胶系列干燥剂、蒙脱石系列干燥剂、分子筛系列干燥剂、活性炭系列吸附剂和应用于液相系统会呼吸的干燥剂。 二、化学吸附 硅胶干燥剂厂家-金洋化工通过材料技术的创新,结合氯化物强大的吸附能力研发制造了基于化学吸附原理的活矿系列干燥剂,高性能系列干燥剂和高吸湿系列干燥剂。 硅胶干燥剂厂家-金洋化工严格按照ISO体系为每一款产品制定了科学严谨的企业标准和工艺质量文件,并依托强大的环境模拟实验室为客户提供增值服务,交付给客户吸湿效率高,吸湿均匀稳定,包装袋强度牢固的高品质零缺陷产品。
硅胶干燥剂厂家-金洋化工将在为工业防潮实现专业化的道路上不断探索前行,我们努力为工业产品受潮保驾护航,并促进携手工业技术的繁荣发展。 |